"Rain Man" (1988)
“Rain Man” (1988) – Directed by Barry Levinson, this classic film stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic savant and Tom Cruise as his brother.

"The Sessions" (2012)
“The Sessions” (2012) – Based on a true story, this film follows a man with polio (played by John Hawkes) who hires a sex surrogate (Helen Hunt) to help him experience intimacy.

"I Am Sam" (2001)
“I Am Sam” (2001) – Starring Sean Penn, this film tells the story of a mentally challenged man fighting for custody of his daughter.

"Awakenings" (1990)
“Awakenings” (1990) – Directed by Penny Marshall, this film is based on the true story of Dr. Oliver Sacks and his work with patients who survived the encephalitis lethargica epidemic.

"A Beautiful Mind" (2001)
“A Beautiful Mind” (2001) – Although not directly focused on elderly individuals, this film portrays the life of John Nash, a brilliant mathematician who struggles with schizophrenia.

"Still Alice" by Lisa Genova
“Still Alice” by Lisa Genova – This novel tells the story of a woman diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"
“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon – While not specifically about elderly individuals, this novel offers a unique perspective on living with Asperger’s syndrome.

"Flowers for Algernon"
“Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes – This classic novel explores the impact of a scientific experiment that enhances the intelligence of a mentally disabled man.

"The Memory Keeper's Daughter"
“The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” by Kim Edwards – This novel delves into the complexities of family relationships and the impact of a life-altering decision.

"Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life"
“Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life” by Louise Aronson – A non-fiction exploration of aging and healthcare, focusing on the experiences of elderly individuals.

Potenzialità e limiti dei social network come strumenti di inclusione sociale per le persone con disabilità

Curriculum di preparazione al lavoro: come supportare i giovani adulti con disabilità intellettiva nel passaggio dalla scuola al lavoro

Benessere percepito in genitori di soggetti adulti con disabilità intellettive: risorse emotive e strategie di coping